Lyric discussion by Captcha 

I think this song is a refernece to Brighton Rock by Graham Greene.. I havent actually read the novel but i know from Pete doherty lyrics in the song "I love you (but youre green)" "Oh you, you're green You don't know what love means Well let me tell you It tickles you pink oh yeah" is similar to the lyrics "Tickle me pink and tickle me green I'm too naive"

This is a reference to the novel "there's the part where Pinkie tells Rose, who is in love with him "You're green. You don't know what people do. You're innocent." He doesn't believe love brings much good, and thinks that rose could only love anyone because she is 'green' (which would definitely mean ignorant or naive in this case)." courtesy of songmeanings page for the pete doherty song

anyway its such a good song.

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