Lyric discussion by TomServo11 

I think the song is about being optimistic and joyful in the face of a constant barrage of negative media and fear mongering.

"16th of June, nine o' five, door bell rings Man at the door says if I want to stay alive a bit longer There's a few things I need you to know. Three coming from a long line of traveling sales people on my mother's side I wasn't gonna buy just anyone's cockatoo So why would I invite a complete stranger into my home Would you?"

I interpret this as a kind of shot at newscasts. How many times have we heard the teaser for the nightly news with promises such as "how to keep your family safe" and other such things. The media is sure to remind us at every turn how many bad things could potentially happen. Television broadcasters refer to "coming into your home" via television broadcasts. Would you allow a complete stranger to come into your home? Sure, we do it every night when we turn on the news. We're advised by complete strangers in our own home.

"Every day I have to find the courage To walk out into the street"

In the face of all of the dangers that we are told lurk right outside our door, we have to find the courage to walk out into the street anyway.

"And I'm coming down with some new Asian virus Ju Ju man, Ju Ju man Doc says you're fine, or dying Please"

If it's not the people out there who'll be the end of us, it's some new killer disease. Equating the average doctor with a JuJu man lowers the respectability of the doctor, who is either going to tell you that you're fine or dying, nothing in between. Bono even responds with a "Please", as in "give me a break". I think his point is that much of the medical community preys on our fears as well.

"The forest fire that is fear so deny it"

Again, it's all about fear and the culture of fear and stepping out beyond all of that to see that "These days are better than that".

What a great song. Especially in these days of so much uncertainty. I believe that these days truly are better than all of that.

@TomServo11 Very interesting thought!! Anyway my interpretation was much simplier like "even though everything is against you, you can rest a realize the simplier joy of staying well phisically, I think I should read the ulisses of Joyce to maybe find some hidden meanings in the lyrics. At the end, nice call from Bono to the asian virus, even if this has always been a pretty common thing, stay safe!

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