Lyric discussion by halod9 

I do believe Trent wrote this song during the recording and writing of Pretty Hate Machine. This wasn't originally meant to be on the album either, but something happened to Trent during the trip to wherever (can't remember where it was) he was while recording the album, which inspired it's creation.

He'd taken a break from it to go to a club (if I remember right), and met one of his ex-girlfriends by chance, there. They caught up with eachother, talked alot, and Trent found himself feeling things for her all over again. Only to end up being told (by someone else) that she was already with someone. But during their encounter with one another, she'd acted like she was entirely into him. Not saying a word about the "other guy".

After that, he wrote this song.

Trent actually talked a bit about it, during an interview a long time ago. He never said exactly that it's exactly the reason this song was made...but he did talk about the above situation, and it really does fit the song, perfectly.

I do believe that's what it was about.

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