Lyric discussion by wesleybriant 

we're all dieing we're all going to die, and we generally don't know when and so I'd believe we are always fighting to live us just being in existence shows we struggled and do struggled to survive.

so I don't think it really has anything to do with a terminal illness.

she is alone. And I'd say all other interpretations spawn from that. She daydreams about a her loneliness, and about companionship, etc. Her loneliness saddens her, and may even cause her depression.

it's something that makes her question existence, whether or not there is a point to her even getting out of bed, because she knows that no one will know, and that she will be going through this routine alone; and so is there a point?

Is there a point to being some girl all alone, with no one to love, or no one to share life with? Is there a point to being a pretty flower, when you're stuck in some vase, unable to flourish and grow, taken out from the ground, placed away from all the other plants. Is there a point to being a slipper, a shoe which keeps a foot warm, when your lying next to a fireplace, and not only that, but you are alone, with no other slipper to the pair? Is there a point in being a cello, if you're lying in a case...

I dunno it seems like to me it's all about her asking herself, "should I go on?" I wonder...

i was going to post a comment, thinking that everyone had missed the metaphors at the beginning all being about the girl and her solitary, displaced life......but you nailed it.

i think the song's pace not only captures that anxious feeling that arises when you're trying to make sense of it all but also the sluggish feeling when you don't want to drag yourself out of bed to do it. i love when he does that falsetto..

i think the same way with you....i feel the connection between this song with my real life....somehow the loneliness feelin' can drive your life into something that u cant rely on,...u nailed this one out..."she fights for her life" to stay awake in the real world, as opposed to dreaming or daydreaming. the "sun's been down for days," because she's been busy sleeping, or at least not existing in that way where she's alert. only herself. she's the only one who knows she's struggling here to stop dreaming.

I can't believe how much I love your response... It's so flawless and beautiful...

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