Lyric discussion by boredperson24 

i can totally relate to this song right now, im so in love with this girl, and i've shown her that i'd do anything for her, and i've given more of myself to her than anyone else in the world, she just doesn't seem to care how i feel, it's like im not even there, even worse is that she is flirting almost constantly with one of my best friends right in front of me and only hangs out with me to get to him, i've finally decided that even though it's gonna kill me, im just gonna leave her alone from now on and move on with my life

Please, please forgive me, But I won't be home again. Maybe someday you'll look up, And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one: "Isn't something missing?" (someday she's gonna regret that she let me go, knowing that i would've done anything for her)

You won't cry for my absence, I know You forgot me long ago. Am I that unimportant...? Am I so insignificant...? Isn't something missing? Isn't someone missing me? (this is how i feel right now, i know that even though im torn to shreds right now, i know that she's just fine and doesn't care about me. after we had an argument a few days ago, all of my friends stopped talking to me like it was my fault she doesn't love me, im wondering now if they've noticed that something is missing, or if they're missing me at all)

Even though I'm the sacrifice, You won't try for me, not now. Though I'd die to know you love me, I'm all alone. Isn't someone missing me? (i sacrificed pretty much all of myself for her, i gave her my time and my heart, two things that i can never fully get back, i know that she'll never try to make things work between us, even though i'd literally die right now just to know that she ever loved me or even cared a little bit about me, i know now that she never did and her friendship was just a lie)

And if I bleed, I'll bleed, Knowing you don't care. And if I sleep just to dream of you And wake without you there, Isn't something missing? Isn't something... (this one is also pretty self explanatory, if i was to cut or kill myself, i know that she probably wouldn't even show up to my funeral if i died, and every night when i finally do sleep, she's always in my dreams, but i know that when i wake up, she was never there and never will be)

so Jessica, "please please forgive me, but i won't be home again" maybe someday you'll see that we were perfect for each other, but you were just too blind to see just how much i loved you

@boredperson24 I know it was 5 years ago since you post this, but I feel the same way as you :( I've gone through many relationships, but the most serious relationships I had were only two. My first serious relationship was on 11/12/12 and we loved each other so much, but because of his business for school, anger, depression, etc made him break up with me numerous times, I cried and I wanted to die. Later on in June of this year 2014 I met a new guy, we started as friends then we started dating. We were all lovable and...

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