Lyric discussion by smithdrake 

Eef’s lyrics are a bit ambiguous here...the song definitely begins with him being madly in love with someone. The verse that follows immediately takes a sharp turn..."take these pills," and then the following verse "Where no one is lonely and there’s nothing to fear I wish I could go there right now I wish I could go touch you right now,” seems to imply that his love is lost...if you're thinking about the song literally it seems she may have died from the pills (either accidentally or suicide). If you take the song figuratively this could be a person that isn’t dead at all but was someone he loved so deeply and thought he was going to spend the rest of his life with, only to be devastated when things didn't work out. I like to view the song in the figurative way. When you find someone that seems like they're your true love and it ends up not working out you feel emotionally devastated; I think this song portrays a strong sense of this devastation

…does anyone have any other ideas...this is just what I could squeeze out of it

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