Lyric discussion by mandybecca 

It's about a guy who likes a girl, more then likely he loves her. She doesn't feel the same way, she sees their relationship as strictly platonic. Thus him saying "end is the only part of the word that i heard" because she's decided that that's all they'll ever be and he knows he can't just be her friend, it's too hard. "Friend is a four letter word" means she's put a negative stigma on this word that should be positive, but it's not enough for him, and so she's made their friendship tainted in his eyes. Like a consolation prize.

"I'm really only praying that the words you'll soon be saying might betray the way you feel about me." - means that he's just aching for her to say she feels something more for him then friendship. He desperately wants her to change her mind.

I had to listen to this song a few times. And then BAM it all became so clear to me. It's an amazing song. Gotta love cake.

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