Lyric discussion by ThatDude297 

You can force it but it will not come (I think he's talking about achieving happiness) You can taste it but it will not form (Still trying to achieve happiness but failing to do so) You can crush it but it's always here (He's talking about a deep seeded state of depression) You can crush it but it's always near (Still talking about depression)

Chasing you home saying (Depression is always with you and follows you everywhere) Everything is broken (His dark views on life: Everything is broken, everyone is broken) Everyone is broken

You can force it but it will stay stung
You can crush it as dry as a bone You can walk it home straight from school You can kiss it, you can break all the rules But still Everything is broken Everyone is broken Everyone is, everyone is broken Everyone is, everything is broken

(At the beginning he lists various methods for trying to cope with depression but in the end he's still hurting and is stuck in a dark gloomy misery).

Why can't you forget? Why can't you forget?

Pleading with his mind to forget the dark hurtful thoughts stuck in his head. No matter what he does he can't escape them.

That's what I think this song means and I can relate in so many ways!

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