Lyric discussion by EternalLull 

Another take on this complex set of lyrics - which is intensely personal to Andrew so I'll skim the surface of it...

Andrew Bird's brother is autistic and I think that there are definitely allusions to a bad experience which he had in this song... coupled with other complex issues about life, mortality and the way we cope with situations. But it is a song not without hope - as is common with Andrew's lyrics.

A nervous tic motion of the head to the left is a side effect from use of the medication Thorazin which is used to treat autism. Andrew also wrote about autism in another song called 'Tea and Thorazin' early in his career.

I find both songs intensely moving.

This may also be of interest...

"Many health researchers have theorized that a pregnant woman's exposure to chemical pollutants, particularly metals and pesticides, could be altering a developing baby's brain structure, triggering autism."

I think that the song links together environmental issues with the deeply personal autism story so personal to Andrew Bird's own experiences... As you'll know, Andrew is also a big supporter of environmental charities... and has strong concerns about the future of the planet. Hence his green tour plans...

Andrew Bird is pretty obviously a little autistic himself. And has a tic of jerking his head to the left. Often times (presumably because this would interfere with playing the violin) you can see him transfer it down his body as a little wave of tension that ends in him shaking his left foot.

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