Lyric discussion by fgirl849 

I love this song because it's an example of what love is all about. Doubt and faith. She loves a guy, and the relationship is obviously getting very serious. And any time someone thinks about taking their relationship to the next level, such as with marriage, there's doubt. We don't trust ourselves. Pessimistic ("half-empty glasses") thoughts pop into our heads about if we're right for this person and if they're right for us. Can we keep them happy forever, will our feelings for them change, will we regret our decision...? The magnitude of a committemnt like marriage drowns us in such thoughts. We also have pessimistic thoughts in that we're all searching, ultimately, for our IDEAL person. That person that's all of what you want and none of what you don't. So even when we're with an awesome partner we can't help having fleeting thoughts of, "what if I can do better?" What if I can find someopne who fits me even better..("greener grasses"). But she realizes, that we could waste a whole life thinking that way. We could lose a great thing by doubting it and thinking about attaining a perfect person. No, instead, she chooses to have faith. She decideds that this person she loves is worth the leap. That she's giving up on having those teenage, idealists ideas that prevent true happiness rather than enjoying it. She's giving up because what she has it worth it, and she's truly happy.

Those are my thoughts on the song. I love this song. It's very true and very human.

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