Lyric discussion by slagonia 

I do believe many people here missed the point of the first verse. If you got something different out of it, I don't mean to quelch your interpretation - Part of the magic of songs like this is that they can mean anything you want them to mean.

However, the true meaning behind the first verse rules out pregnancy or abortion. Again, if this interpretation is helping you cope in some way, then I don't want to change that for you. However, she's not talking about a friend in the literal sense, she's talking about herself. This becomes clear at the end of the song when she now states what she's doing literally - She's writing a song. The song is her friend. Can you help me unravel my latest mistake? Her song is her diary, helping her unravel the mysteries about why she acts the way she does. The entire song is her emotions, spilling out into her song, which acts as her diary. By singing this to us she's laying her soul bare and opening herself up to us.

That is, in reality, what this song is about. This is her innermost thoughts about a very private matter in her life - A lover who she claims not to love until she looks at him smile. It's embarrassing to her, and something she normally wouldn't share, but by opening herself up, she also opens herself up to all the love and support others can give her... and all the critism the hypocrytes can lay on her as well.

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