Lyric discussion by Please_Delete 

I saw this comment on page 1 and just felt compelled to respond to it:

"This song sounds very good.

However it's my favorite example of "Ignorance is Bliss". It's a wonderful world while people all over the world die of starvation and diseases, while corrupt politicians steal money and make bad decisions, while the oil begins to run out and the economy goes down, while new wars start, while we polute with radiation and greenhouse gasses that deplete our atmosphere.

People are so egoistic."

When Louis Armstrong wrote and recorded this song America was segregated and racial tensions were still running VERY high. Americans were also living their lives pretty much certain that a a nuclear bomb was going to strike them at some point. He was no exception. He was the target of much hate. He was in no way ignoring the negative issues going on in the world around him. His message was that despite everything going on, there is so much beauty in this world and so much hope for the children and their future. The whole point of the song is that no matter how bad things can be, just take a look around, admire the world for it's natural beauty and never lose hope for a wonderful future.

I agree. This is what I posted to skeggy553. "Is it possible that Louis Armstrong was, on a conscious emotional level, singing about the harsh reality of segregation? Louis Armstrong was singing about white privilege. A world where people were enjoying things like gazing at the clouds, planting flowers in the yard and not worry about your very existence being threatened on a daily basis. Louis Armstrong was sing about equality."

Equality=Wonderful World

That's why he looks kind of upset in the video...he is being a bit sarcastic...

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