Lyric discussion by 01229583w49343 

Since you're all so off-base I feel I have to set it straight.

This song is about existentialism. The references are all there, if you know your existentialist literature. Existentialism at its core is about getting off your ass and living life to the fullest because there's no god and no heaven and nobody else can live your life for you and once your life is over that's it.

A lot of the people who have commented seem to have very negative views toward capitalism. That's idiotic, of course: Chris Cornell is a capitalist! He makes millions of dollars off of his talents, and by buying his albums and being fans of his music you are all capitalists as well. The line "stole a thousand beggar's change and gave it to the rich" is NOT about capitalism, because capitalism (1) redistributes wealth more evenly than any other economic system and (2) is the opposite of theft, since under capitalism all exchanges are voluntary. Socialism and communism are systems which take money by force and place it into the pockets of the rich and powerful.

More than anything, this song is about accepting the fact that you are a member of the animal kingdom, and in doing so, accepting both the flaws and wonders of being human.

Your view on capitalism is just wrong. Its insanely unequal which should be blindingly obvious. You sound someone who is staring at the sky insisting that its actually yellow not blue. Moron.

@Nadaav Chris Cornell believes in God and Jesus and they are most definitely not pro-thisgreedyfuckeduphateful world.


You're so fucking wrong.

I won't even explain to you how. You're taken. Cornell believes in Christ. His wife is a Christian ffs.

Existentialism isn't all about atheism, or lack of belief in the metaphysical.

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