Lyric discussion by envelope 

After watching the video and contemplating the lyrics it comes down, to me, to be about the nature of the Love("Presence") and Memory (I will be referencing the video with only a nod to the lyrics).

Memory, or the illusion of eternity, which can be replayed in the mind over ad infinitum, can be employed to gain much (in the video it's the promise of her eternal love in return for money/fame/relevance/value). Upon further iterations of reflection (memory for it's own sake in form of the theatrical play) it can come to decay the sanctity of that original Love/Presence.

It is what I have personally come to understand and define as the meaning of Love which is "continuous Learning"; Love is the worship of the moment which leads to the next and that which it offers.

By worshipping Memory instead of Love one loses the future and those connections to what it offered become smeared and overanalyzed and are symbolically explicated as those overgrown/decaying elements in the video. People and those loving situations become ruins. It points to Memory's weakness: it is not Life/Love.

But Memory does have its purpose in the Whole. Einsturzende/Neubauten. Destroy/Rebuild. Live/Learn.

So it comes out as, "don't get so caught up in the past and its failures to live up to the new standards you've come to learn to apply from those very situations you've gleaned them. Go on and live, learn, but avoid rooting the future too much in the past. Root instead in this very moment which is the very Statement of that which was gained from the past."

Tying in to the first two songs in this "song trilogy" (1.Human Behaviour, 2.Isobel, 3.Bachelorette), we have, thematically, 1. Naivety(the Other), 2.Self-Absorption(the Self), 3.Self-Consciousness(the Whole/World).

In the lyrics, now, the "Me" that is referenced is that "Moment of Love/Presence" is the Whole/World that is asking you to partake of it, to move both inward from feeling separate (your mind fully as the Other) and to move outward from being narcissistic/self-absorbed (your mind fully as the Self). This accomplishes what focusing a lense does; you can focus the lense too far out or too far in creating a fuzzy picture while if you focus right in you get the Moment/Presence/Love.
"Focused too far in"=the Self : is the "girl made of blood". "Focused too far out"=the Other : is the perpective of that bird on the hat-brim. The nourishing moment is when the Wheel's Edge connects, via Spoke, to the Axle around which it is spinning. The Wheel's Edge and the Axle roll nowhere without the many Spokes that connect them.

The "killer whale" is only "trapped in the bay" for having "forgotten my name"....the Me referenced by this "my" as in "name"... is named Love as I've hence delineated. By getting wrapped up in Memory and its/your failings... (the fleeting nature of Love, embodied in the the metaphor of walking forward on "a path of cinders burning under your feet")... leaves one stuck stagnant in the bay for not following the natural growing/receding tendencies of the tides. When the waters are accommodating and deep you can come to touch the edge where the ocean meets the land... where trees full of hearts/Love can be in reach to pluck. When Emotions, the waxing/waning natural tendency of Love, allow is only when the "cinders are hot"...that is Love can only happen when the "cinders are hot".

"Strike while the iron is hot".

When one is "trapped in the bay" of Memory they cling like an intruder to any branch to help wring them from being stuck... much like a jilted, clinging lover attacking the one that left them because they are unable to move on and Love someone/where else.

The ocean, as an archetype, is the Subconscious... those things which draw unspoken like "a whisper in water". To travel deep into these waters is perilous as their is "no map or compass" (referenced from the first song of this trilogy, Human Behaviour). And so the tendency to neglect listening to the whispers of the ocean waters is understandable as "this is really dangerous"... :)

I'll leave it at that. Cheers~

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