Lyric discussion by farmer44 

Love the Wiggles, especially the Greg line-up,but their militant vegetarianism can be a bit much at times. Still waiting for a tune about meatloaf or italian sausage. Kids need protein too!!

...LOL. I just love hearing vegetarians trying to explain the shape of the tooth one over from each of our front teeth...ya know the ones. They're called our "canine teeth." If Jesus could eat fish (and probably lamb) than it's all good enough for me! (Sorry, I just still have not dealt with the pain caused by the stoopid veggie who held up the Subway lunch crowd line in 1998 due to chicken touching his bread. I should find him and pay him back by making him listen to 24 hours staight of Greg and the boys:)

Saw em in concert...they rock!

You must mean the Wiggles 'cause vegetarians aren't much fun:)

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