Lyric discussion by zzeek4 

I read a few comments and thought I would put in my 2 cents. Yes this is all probably wrong but here goes

This song is as many said about love how ever its about the pain of love and how its hurts so much that you manefest it by cutings you self until that is what you love doing till you feel better...let me try to explain

There comes a time when you feel such pain and you reach a pinicale( this is the frozen part) and then something happens to you where the 1st time you actually do something like harm your self and every ones looking at you like your crazy (2nd stanza of the song) but you dont care about what others think because of the pain that your lost love has you keep cutting your self and keep bleeding but people keep trying to stop you (3rd part ) but you cant, even though you know what they are saying is right...but soon that razr or what ever you use to cut your self becomes so important that when that blood rushes our your wrist/arms etc you finally feel good cause now your emotion is a physical manifistation. This is where the "i'll be wearing the scars for every one to see" part is . And so the cycle continues till you deal with your loss by cutting your self to keep the emotional pain away, yet you blame your loved one you lost for your cutting ( you cut me open and I )...that just my take on it ...feel free to slam it but as a person who has been a cutter and done it for the very reason described above i take the song as a personal song of one that is sick of love and deals with it by loving their scars caused by the self mutulation.

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