Lyric discussion by ttchamp13 

i think this song can be interpreted (for me... i know everyone takes the meaning of a song differently) by explaining something that recently happened to me...

he was into her... she was into him... they had rarely spoke before but one day they started talking... all the feelings came out and they became a (very close in such a short time) couple...

  (about 3 months before she had ended a long relationship with a total asshole)

about 10 days into it she suddenly pulls out... saying that she thought she was but just isnt ready to commit to anything at the moment (and probably wont be able to for a long while)... she tells him not to wait for her and that she hopes he can move on and meet someone else...

      (its quite obvious to all her friends (and to him) that she most likely just has the jitters because of how fast they had gone from being almost complete strangers to where they suddenly were...)

she tells him he has to let her go but he just cant bring himself to do so...

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