Lyric discussion by berryswirl 

I've always thought this song was one of her most obvious in meaning.... but

I don't think that the other girl is really another girl...

tear in your hand is about the desolate and desperateness that one feels after someone that you love leaves you. why he/she leaves you is left for it because of another girl?? maybe, but that is too obvious. I think "that girl" represent the part of oneself that we refuse to share with others (for whatever reason), even when you feel true love for a person. "She is pieces of me you've have never seen well" is referring to the person that we hide . He/she is leaving her....maybe because she refuses to really open up....she doesn't feel hate towards this person because she knows that this departure is partly her fault. "Haze clouded up my mind" suggests she hasn't been her true possible self.

Maybe there are valid reasons for leaving, that doesn't mean he/ she doesn't love her. "Maybe I ain't used to maybes" suggest that he/she has expressed that their is a possibility for something to sprout at at later time...

The tear is in "YOUR" hand...he/she has tried to understand her...she has cried all her emotions into his hand...suggesting they have talked, yet after all is said and done he/she is looking for a more.

The tone set by speaker is not of anger, instead it sounds to me like a sad revelation, she didn't allow the person that she loved to get to know her "well"...

either was she has to say goodbye....

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