Lyric discussion by ~my own third eye~ 

ok so one time i was in my algebra class and I wasn't feeling good and my head was throbbing, so I went to rest my head on my desk and as soon as I hit the desk, I bounced out of my body and I soared up to the top of the classroom. I remember hearing white noise and seeing everybody, but no one had faces. It was like their faces was just skin or covered in something. really creepy. I later found out that I had a blood clot in my brain, which eventually dissolved(how does this happen? someone explain), and I had actually died. So I bought this cd and listened to it, and while Disposition was playing I kept thinking of how good life is. Reflection got me building up tension in my body, and Triad released it all and completed my feeling. Now it was all very subtle, only thinking about it I remember feeling this way because I was listening to the album real quietly to try and wind down to go to sleep. This song(I'm not even going to write its name) came on and I heard the same white noise in my out-of-body experience. I began to listen to the caller on the track, and what he was saying tied in with my thoughts of 'life is precious' and my experience with death.

Very interesting how this album can take on such meanings and encompasses the fragile and yet harmonious balance of the experiences of living and dying life and death. In a very basic way the way is to experience it with fascination and with a renewed sense of wonder as the darkness of our minds can sometimes overshadow what is great about our journey, as we journey towards the light there is always a force which pulls us downward so we must create, we must become inspired we must do good and search out souls and reach for a deeper...

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