Lyric discussion by Sarena 

To be quite honest, I didn't really like the sound of this song the first time I heard it, but somehow loved it the second time.I think maybe because I heard the lyrics properly and it really connected to me. Despite this I partially disagree, I think by showing an idealised version of the world to young kids, adults are trying to protect them and let them enjoy the innocence, naivety and the carefree nature of childhood. (Which people will certainly argue, that with growing technology kids can't really be protected.) That being said, I don't really think we want our young ones to know about the real world just yet. The lyrics show the harsh reality of the world, I mean really, how many servants really get to change their life around? People are liars whether we'd like to admit it or not and although I'm not sure if the Prince would've married a whore but I believe he would've married royalty (And does anyone find it a bit disturbing that Ariel was 16?- I still love that movie though.) But even as a grown adult (Well 18, legally I'm an adult) I think I click with the duo's opinion of clinging onto the notion of a "happy ending"... Unfortunately, I don't think everyone will get that oppportunity.

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