Lyric discussion by OoOsublimeOoO 

You can pretty much read drug-use into any song, if you want. But at least you made it half-interesting, papker :)

Yes, I think the song is about stark reality versus imagination. And trying to balance the two, "please don't take my Kodachrome away."

It doesn't matter if you're a scientist, an engineer, a medical-researcher, a photographer, a painter -- if you want to accomplish something new, you need at least a little creative / semi-original thinking. High school tries to take that away. That's only good if you're a straight-laced accountant, lawyer, or brick-layer and, even then, you might need a little creative thinking sometimes.

@OoOsublimeOoO wow it’s only worse now with people inventing non critical degrees and buearocratic jobs like gender studies, thinking is revolted on I held up on having kids cause I think socialized education somehow ruined a generation from critical thinking and it will take a while to fix

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