Lyric discussion by therealliam 

Throsby, please don't just assume that the song only refers to the views of "American citizens".

There are many, many, many nations that have previously or currently taking their part in conflict, and many of these have the same ironic "heroic" views on war and those actions taken during war.

Rise Against may be an American band, but do not assume their words are to be taken only in reference to American views. The lyrics do not at all finger a particular nation, but instead can be interpreted to undertake ALL those nations that have been involved in war. I'm sure RA are interpreting the entire world's views, not just one nation. This is why this song is so accessible. An Anglo-American may listen to these lyrics and take heart, just as much as a Muslim in Iraq may do.

To only assume "American" is quite naive.

Thanks for your analysis. As a patriotic American I was sort of offended at how it seemed to degrade soldiers, who I do think are deserving of our praise and gratitude, in general. But, if I think of this song in the context of the greater world conflict, I can realize its relevance and try to learn something from int instead of just being offended.

This song is meant to be pointed towards the american troops you do know... watch the video to it, it has many refferences to america and at one point an upside down american flag sure the views can be used to any nation but this particular song was written about america

I agree with "the realliam". Yes the music video does show the song viewed from more of an american perspective and has two scenes of American flags, but maybe it's only enforcing the idea of the flag in general. The lyrics mention nothing about America specifically.

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