Lyric discussion by marcusrp 

Walk a road crooked You can't make straight It's the price you gotta pay Do yourself a favour and pack your bags Buy a ticket and get on the train Buy a ticket and get on the train

refers to to the idea that randomness and unexpected events are an unavoidable part of our universe...yet ironically humans constantly try to impose order on almost every event or thing in the universe. he makes a sarcastic reference to people who insist on imposing logical explanations to random events by suggesting that these people do themselves a favor and pretend to themselves that the path they are taking is actually straight (predictable).

People get crushed like biscuit crumbs And lay down in the bitumen You have tried your best to please everyone But it just isn't happening No, it just isn't happening

inequity, unfairness, injustice, etc. all are ever present themes in human existence, but many people (possibly most) try to explain this away by arguing that it is all part of a great and cohesiveness plan that will be revealed as expected and "right" sometime in the unknown future. a reference to the nature of some types of religious belief.

You cannot kickstart a dead horse You just crush yourself and walk away I don't care what the future holds Cause I'm right here and I'm today With your fingers you can touch me

many folks therefore try to argue for this hindsight predictability/order, but it is a vain effort, as no one can convincingly claim to know that an inherently unpredictable event was actually predictable if we just knew more. so just live in the moment, and be a human being to one another.

I'm your black swan, black swan But I made it to the top, made it to the top This is fucked up, fucked up

the title of the song is most likely a reference to the theory of the "black swan". he (the song author possibly?) is refering to himself as an example of a 'black swan'. its 'fucked up' possibly because it contradicts all previously assumed things about himself by other people -bias'- (thus he is a 'black swan'). Perhaps its the idea that you cant pigeon hole/stereotype/prejudice anyone, they may turn out to not be what you assumed they were all along. The song is probably about the black swan theory, but interpreted by the songwriter according to what it means to them.

this would be my interpretation of the song, based on what i know.

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