Lyric discussion by futatorius 

Cocker's from a working-class background and is from Sheffield, so the earlier comments about him being as privileged as Greek Girl are unfounded. In England, class mobility's nothing like it is in the States.

Lots of spoiled rich girls like to try "a bit of the rough" and this is the guy's perspective on what it's like to be used that way, and how it'll never give her the perspective she thinks she's going to get because her privilege will still get in the way. But he's still willing to go along for the ride.

"Everybody hates a tourist" is a key line in my opinion. You may think slumming is amusing but don't assume you're really welcome there or you'll understand what's going on.

futatorius: Exactly ! Your comment mirrors everything I was thinking, and, I believe, captures the essence of the song quite eloquently.

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