Lyric discussion by LubyLou7 

"True perfection has to be imperfect."

That line must give away the topic of the song. So yeah, just be patient for the things you want. And plus, to get what you want, you not only dream about it; you HAVE to work for it too. Like, you go to school to get an education. And with education, you get a future. And if you want a future, like with those professional-ish jobs, as I like to call them, then stick with school. Like... LITTLE BY LITTLE, dude.

You got perfection part and the"We dream our dreams alone with no resistance" but you missed the imperfect part, I think that means you will have imperfections as part of being perfect, like when the guy falls down in the video and he helps him up, but you just have to carry on as you are without looking back.

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