Lyric discussion by lateralix 

Man, oh man. Just wanted to share my terrifying experience first listening to this song...

When I first got into Lateralus, I read about the alternate track-list (the article author called it "The Holy Gift"), that turns the album into a musical spiral. He referred to a book called "Nothing in This Book is True But It's Exactly The Way Things Are" by Bill Frissell in his discussions of sacred geometry.

So, I got the book, and was home alone at night (of course), listening to Lateralus, and was reading up on this alternate history of the planet, and its inhabitants... and got to a chapter discussing the existence of "alien" life forms on this planet, that dwell on the frequencies of other dimensions, and for all we can perceive, might be standing in the same room as us at whatever moment. Of course just as I am reading through this paragraph, "Faaip De Oiad" is playing, and of course, the line "extra-dimensional beings" rings through my head.

Needless to say, I freaked. Since I'm an avid synchronicity-seeker, well, let's just say... I don't believe in coicidence ;-)

Right on, man.

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