Lyric discussion by megadethcharger 

goddamn u people with your damn "this song is about metallica" you guys are ignorant you know what? Fuck metallica and thank god they got rid of dave cus if not we wouldn't have megadeth!! In my opinion megadeths music is way better than metallicas its faster it more violent it just kicks ass!! I love megadeth my favoritte band

About the song yea its about a relationship a breakup and its the best song ever written and performed by megadeth its just the best song in the world badass solo and the drumline just kicks ass man those are some badass drums.. Man I wish marty Friedman and nick Menza were still in the band

could you shut the fuck up? literally nobody cares if youre retarded enough to imply that metallica arent god-tier. but i degress... yes its about breaking up. and if this youre favorite megadeth song you are the pleb i thought you were from the beginning of your comment. this was posted in 2008 so i assume youre... almost 18 now?

@testamentbig4 speaking fax. don't fuckin shit on Metallica or else face "the wrath of the metal gods" as Jack Black would say.

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