Lyric discussion by grelch 

My guess is this song is about his brother again. Reference 'Blue Ridge Mountains and especially 'He Doesn't Know Why'. Read through these lyrics and 'Mykonos' can be read as an account of the Robin's trying to stop his brother from running away from his problems again, literally and figuratively. He gives his brother's name as Sean (older brother) in Blue Ridge etc.

He Doesn't Know Why, (brother reappears from one of his walkabouts?) Penniless & tired with your hair grown long I was looking at you there and your face looked wrong memory is a fickle siren's song I didn't understand

In the gentle light as the morning nears You don't say a single word of the last two years Where you were or when you reached the frontier I didn't understand

See you rugged hands and a silver knife Twenty dollars in your hand that you hold so tight All the evidence of your vagrant life My brother you were gone

And you will try to do what you did before Pull the wool over your eyes for a week or more Let your family take you back to your original mind

Blue Ridge Mountains (partial) My brother where do you intend to go tonight? I heard that you missed your connecting flight, to the blue ridge mountains, over near Tennessee.

You're ever welcome with me any time you like, Let's drive to the country side, leave behind some green-eyed look-a-likes, So no one gets worried, no. So no one gets worried, no.

But Sean don't get callous, I'm sure it'll be fine. I love you, I love you, Old brother of mine.

I love a good song about sean lol. Is there any on the new album about him?

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