Lyric discussion by underwoody 

this song is good, but to all you true whitechapel fans, this is good but not the best right? at least this is how it is for me. i hate all the kids that are like ohh the somatic defilement and everything there always all over the songs from the album name like this is exile too. homos...

do you have a brother named cal by any chance?

josh underwood, hmm?

yeah cal said the same exact stuff to me in school, how kids are always talking about this is exile and the somatic defilement, some kid did it to me

Haha so true. I miss the days of watching them at the Electric Ballroom. The music was so full of passion then.

absolutely true. personally, i like eternal refuge and messiahbolical, so nasty. articulo mortis is an especially exceptional song as well. this one's so... idk. it's like they only half wrote it. i used to love this song but then i came to realize just how monotone phil sounds through the whole thing and the riffs are okay but the breakdown is the only part they seem to have really really worked at. but yes, whitechapel has SO much more material that is much better than this song. people need to really explore their music. burning the masses, anyone?

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