Lyric discussion by jamesrulestheworld 

Well, The song name comes from the form of torture in-which the victim gets a credit card inbetween there lips to form a small cut then the victim is kicked or put in pain to make them scream so that they get a scar from ear to ear which looks like a smile.

ahhh that explains the title... i kind of thought of like "mona lisa smile" how she has that little smirk like she has a secret.. kind of like

"I got a secret. Its on the tip of my tongue, its on the back of my lungs. And I'm going to keep it- I know something you don't know."

but that's just me (:

you're right actually. i researched this particular torture technique last year out of pure interest and curiosity. although, instead of credit card they would use glass and scrap metal. and once they made the cuts, they would sometimes stab them to make them scream and expand the cuts more. and the deathcore band Chelsea Grin gets their name from this too. and as far as the secret parts, the torture started to punish people who would confess or tell things, like if the gang wanted to know something and the person wouldn't spill what they knew, this would be their way of...

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