Lyric discussion by darkfrankhs 

Also Kele has a very religious mother, who he doesn't talk about much... I think the whole album represents struggle with religion.

Ares, Mercury, Zephyrus, Trojan Horse.... Greek gods/myths. "Are these the real gods? Is what i should believe in?"

Halo, Better than heaven.... Christian symbolism. Again "is this what to believe?"

I dunno, but would seem very well planned.

A few of the tracks on the new album have some kind of Greek mythology theme. Is this just a coincidence, or has the band been reading up on their ancient history? (James) KELE: It is actually a complete coincidence, a lot of the titles were just working titles. Initially 'Zephyrus' was based around a whistling loop, so that's kind of where it got its title, from the god of the southern wind. The lyrics to 'Trojan Horse' were initially diferent but the title fitted the song so well, espectially with that charging guitar solo, like a warhorse to battle, that...

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