Lyric discussion by OKRadiohead97 

This song is most definitely NOT about some silly little acid trip - I think most Faint fans would agree that most of their songs are not as one-dimensional (if not silly) as that.

As was said before, this is a glimpse into a "robo-future" as someone called it - how life will be lived out in x number of years if we continue to let technology replace different aspects of our lives.

The whole song is great, especially lyrics-wise, but, the part that seems most poignant to me is the part about the "egghead boys". We get The Faint's wonderful satire in this little portion, when he mentions how "that's what the girls like," which goes on to become a metaphor not just for silly little high school girls falling for the geeky boys years later, but for all of human society becoming so entranced by technological advances.

Not only is this machine-laden world taking over modern society, it's virtually eliminating the importance of past artistic endeavors (aka the Bach lines, in which "eyeballs bulge" when people hear his music). The parts about REM sleep I think have to do with the narrator traveling back in time (through his dreams) with his chain saw in hand. Elevator = time machine, as everyone mentioned. The line "If I could bring things back, they'd feedback wild" pretty much goes to mean that if he [the narrator] could bring parts of the past forward with him in time to show these techie-junkies, they'd be hysterical, either with rage or excitement, or maybe even both. The narrator's usage of the chain saw also seems to represent the raw savageness of the past, rather than the excessiveness of the future (chemical wars and plastic islands at sea, etc.). He chooses to embrace the past and use it wisely in order to shape the future.

"Watch what the humans ruin with machines" is a beautiful line - it captures the song's meaning completely.

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