Lyric discussion by slowhand2444 

At first, I thought wheel was purely a love song. But when I heard the live version off JM's as/is cd, I started to think its deeper than that...

"Cause I have a feeling it all evens out... at the very end of your life, you're gonna sit down at the table, and you're gonna shuffle out the good and the bad, and it's all gonna make perfect sense to you when you figure out that in the accounting books it comes up completely even... and then you're gonna ask, 'Well, what was it all for?' and they're gonna say, 'Well you did it, didn't you?'"

It has an existential double meaning; in the same way you love someone and they move along and you can't control it, you live and die and cant control it. Despite that sort of morbid approach, Mayer twists the existentialism into a "carpe diem"-like upbeat mood... he warns us not too love one part of life too much: not money, not success, not even love. Because, as he says, in the end it all evens out. And that the way, this wheel, keeps working out...

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