Lyric discussion by cinematicheart 

x's on the back of your hands, washed them in the bathroom to drink like the bands, and the set list, you stole off the stage, has red and purple lipstick all over the page.

That line is about an underage girl going to a show. The security guards look for IDs at the beggining of the show and write X's on your hands so you can't order drinks.She washes her hands in the bathroom to "drink like the bands" The girl is probably a groupie since she kissed all over the set list.

hey cinematicheart my friend wants me to email her what the bruises on the arms shaking with the bottle in your palm means. i dont know how to explain it help me please.

at first i thought it was about being stright edge, considering edge people write X's on everything. but then i listened to it a few more times and figured it was exactly what you said.

what? no this is referring to straight edge kids that draw the x's on the back of their hands to show that they are straight edge. If you're above the drinking age and go to a show they just give you a wrist band its way easier than marking every little kids hands that come in and you don't have to check everyones i.d. just those that want to drink. Imagine how long it would take to get in if they checked every single persons i.d. and marked the back of all of their hands!

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