Lyric discussion by spicyflo 

Pippin the Mercury...when Freddie says, "don't believe everything you read in the Bible", no truer words have ever been written about the Bible...why? Because it was written by men and men are not perfect. God's "words" can be found inside everyone, if you look hard enough, not just words in a book.

If you are a Bible reader("offended christian"), do you not remember when God told Moses not to use cutting tools on the altar for God? Why? Because it was to be known as "God's Alter" and anything known as God's cannot be touched by man's tools...that includes writing tools. People who LIE and title the Bible "God's Word" are insulting God's perfection.

The reason preachers and religious leaders brainwash their followers to believe God's word is whatever particular version of canon(insert any religion's handbook) is so their rules aren't's a control tactic that's been used dating back to the era of the first recorded language. Look it up.

Freddie obviously believes there is a God at this point in his life, but is unsure what to believe. Fortunately, he knows enough not to believe EVERYTHING he live, you learn...research helps.


"Don't listen to what mama says" is probably because "moma" is still clinging to what her pastor tells a good little sheep...

Truth hurts,"in the beginning"(Genesis 1:1), until you can "put away childish things"(1 Corinthians 13:11) old "Jewish myths"(Titus 1:14)...unless you ENJOY being made a spectacle of(1 Corinthians 4:9).

That's what Freddie meant when he wrote "Or else you'll find yourself, bein' a rival".

@spicyflo OOOOPS you have made a tiny little error that deflates your whole argument....yes, I agree with you the Bible is written by men, and one more critical aspect to consider. "But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." Read the book 2Peter to discover this verse in context. The whole of the Bible is either from God or it isn't. Read it for yourself and then decide....

@spicyflo What you said here is beautiful, may I keep this?

@spicyflo \r\nI understand your misgivings about religious things, but it\'s not the Bible that is false but rather men claiming to represent it and mislead people with their own thoughts and ideas, consider...\r\nIf men uninspired wrote the Bible how did they know that the best day to circumcise an infant was the eighth day when the body is at its peak ability for blood coagulation? Lucky guess?\r\nOr that at Isa 40:22 it says the earth is round when it was generally believed the earth was flat at that time around 800 BCE?\r\nOr that at Job 26:7, where it says the...

An error occured.