Lyric discussion by netmantx 

Sophia & Crashback - I couldn't agree more. I'm just sorry I had to sift through all the background noise to get to your comments. Lucille=Lucifer was what occurred to me right away. I think I've resolved much of the references to that line of thought.

The subject of the song (named Regina from the 1st stanza) is depressed with life. She's been conditioned to wake up to the alarm and get up and go to work but she's not feeling fulfilled and quite the opposite feels completely empty. The boulder to her ear is her burden she's carrying on her shoulders - but she hears nothing - ie. is not fulfilled.

She's also completely disillusioned with the whole religious "thing" - Babylon represents her escape from what she's been raised to believe. I don't know what the feather on the dumb-box (TV) means but the songs about angels is literal (IMHO).

I think the gravediggers are calling to Regina means she's contemplating suicide.

Lucille (Lucifer) is "downstairs" (hell) and knows everthing about Regina including when she has lesbian lovers and "loves herself" (masturbates) and even when she shuts off her thoughts - ie. tries to "escape." It's probably because of her "talks" with Lucifer that she feels the gravediggers calling her and is considering that as a valid option.

As for the last verse I'm not sure if she actually commits suicide and learns that nothing happens - ie. she doesn't go to heaven or hell - all of it was "fake" - a cruel joke. Or maybe it means she tried to commit suicide and failed.

Also - somebody said Regina was quoted as getting from "a book" - maybe the bible?

I can't agree MORE with everyone else about RS - absolute genius.

Wow I really like this interpretation. I never thought of it this way before but a lot what you said makes sense to me. Hmm... :D Even if it's not actually what she meant when she wrote it, it fits for me (and you apparently) haha.

Can't be the bible... the person didn't remember the book in question -- who wouldn't remember the bible?

Many years later, I finally resolved the rest!

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