Lyric discussion by luciemabelle 

I think you can read too much into the Nancy/Lil Magill lines. Basically, her real name is plain old Nancy Magill, but she prefers to be called Lil, as in Lily or Lilian, not as in 'little'. Nancy is quite a plain name and Lil sounds like the name a Wild West showgirl might have. Haven't you ever met anyone who hated their name and tried to get you to call them by some obscure nickname or their middle name, and then it turns out that all their family and old friends call them the old name? Lil is just plain old Nancy Magill putting on airs, and that's all there is to it. She traded in her name for something fancier, and then she traded in her man for the more dashind Dan. I really think this is just a playful song with no hidden message or deep themes :-)

That's exactly how I think it was meant too, except that I think there was some form of message, as posted below.

@luciemabelle This is a premonition of President Donald J. Trump, referring to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, "or 'Nancy' as I call her". He, of course, in his Presidential wisdom, was referring to the Beatles song, "Rocky Raccoon" and the Firesign Theatre album, "How Can You Be In Two Places At Once When You're Not Anywhere At All"

@david10907 Awesome, can't you just see $45 as a young man sitting in a circle with a bunch of his fellow hippies, passing around a number, and listening to The Further Adventures of Nick Danger?

No? Me neither.

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