Lyric discussion by rbh104 

I never saw this as a directed attack on religion as such. Although organised religion is subject to some of the criticisms thrown around by Dylan, the 'Gates of Eden' recurrent throughout the song are more likely a symbolic representation of an ultimate truth unknowable by human minds. More than anything Dylan sets out to remind us all how evasive and unattainable this truth is but in turn he also lays heavy criticism on those who lead their lives in ignorance of this fact. This is a particularly severe crime when our supericial or constructed belief systems lead to violence, snobbery and a Sartreian (possibly a made up word) false consciousness. I think there is also an element of frustration in Dylan's tone and lyrics. Although Dylan may be more aware of the fact than many, it gives no comfort to realise that he is as lost as the rest of us. Specific examples can be highlighted to flesh out this interpretation. Most obviously, the time rusted comfort blade and golden calf are representations of whatever belief system you wish to choose. Perhaps Catholicism, Marxian economic theory or whatever eschatologically centred religious cult is currently commiting suicide in an underground bunker somewhere. The pretentious, logical realist Princess and Prince, educated and academically minded, try to define and distill our reality through discussion and analysis, They're perhaps more lost than the rest of us in their arrogance and conviction that their endeavours will lead to some revelatory discovery. I could go on but these examples illustrate the point most effectiely. Does the Eden of which Dylan sings exist? I never really considered that question until reading some of the above comments. I suppose the fact that we will never find it in this lifetime is a more important message to be drawn from the song. Now stop hating people, putting on your useless masks and blowing up babies.

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