Lyric discussion by pezdel 

This song is so beautiful (especially the live version) and seems like such a love song but I agree that there is a tinge of something dark and more subversive about it. The (naive melody) part of the title especially lends itself to this. I think I recently figured it out... at least it makes sense to me.

 "Home, is where I want to be pick me up and turn me round" -- He is looking to feel at home, not just to be at home. He wants to feel like he belongs and to know that he is doing what he was meant to do.
 "I feel numb, burn with a week heart" -- He's been hurt and he's sort of numb to it now. He feels like he doesn't really care what happens anymore.
 "Guess I must be having fun" -- He feels like he should be having more fun than he is. The things he's doing are fun and being with this woman is fun but he still doesn't feel like it's perfect. He has no idea what could be more fun, but he knows that this isn't where he belongs. Somethings not quite right.
  "The less we say about it the better" -- It's easier to just not talk about it. He's having a pretty good time, it's best to just ignore the fact that something doesn't fit. 
  "Make it up as we go along" -- He's living without plans, he doesn't know where he's going but if he doesn't think about it, it's ok. 
  "Feet on the ground/ Head in the sky/ It's OK I know nothing's wrong... nothing" -- His body is on the ground but his head is detached... He doesn't feel like he's living his life. His body is going through the motions but his mind feels surreal and lost. He knows nothing is wrong logically. His life is headed in a sensible place - he should be having fun. he keeps telling himself that he is, and that nothings wrong but he knows in his heart that something untangible doesn't feel right.
  "Hi yo, I've got plenty of time" -- goes along with 'the less we say about it the better.' He feels like he's got a long life ahead and he doesn't have to figure out whats wrong, it will work itself out.
  "Hi yo, you've got light in your eyes" -- He does think this girl is beautiful and is in love with her
 " And you're standing here beside me, I love the passing of time" -- He subtly feels like she's not with him, she's just next to him, but he loves spending time with her and definitely wants to love her.
  "Never for money, always for love" -- Sometimes he thinks the girl might just want him for his money, so he tells himself otherwise. Perhaps this is his naivite?
  "Cover up and say goodnight" -- He's ignoring these feelings in his heart and just getting in bed with her. Logically, he should be happy and having fun but he still knows he's not in his heart. So he covers it up and says goodnight.
 "Home, is where I want to be/ but I guess I'm already there" -- He really wants to feel at home, to feel like he belongs and that he's doing exactly what he's meant to do. Logically, he feels like he should feel that way about his current situation. He's got this woman who loves him and a lot of money, he's doing fun things. Isn't this home? Logically, it should be. But it doesn't feel like it...
 "I come home, she lifted up her wings" -- He thinks of her like an angel - she's beautiful and he does think she's fantastic.
 "I guess that this must be the place" -- He guesses this is it. This is his life, it's everything he wanted. I guess he's there. But something feels out of place. He still feels detached and surreal.
 "I can't tell one from another, did I find you or you find me" -- He doesn't feel like they found eachother, more that they just ended up together. Still feels detached and surreal. this one's open to more interpretation though (not that the others aren't... just this one in particular i feel like could be more)
 "There was a time, before we were born, if someone asks this is where I'll be" -- He's going to remove himself from the world for a while, maybe that will help. He doesn't want to die but he wants to remove himself, like he was before he was born. 
 "We drift in and out/ Sing into my mouth" -- He drifts in and out of love, sometimes he feels like he's in the right place but mostly he feels something is wrong. Also a representation of the physcial act of making love and kissing, written very poetically.
  "Out of all those kinds of people, you got a face with a view" -- She's beautiful, more than anybody.
 "I'm just an animal looking for a home and, share the same space for a minute or two and you love me till my heart stops, love me till I'm dead." -- She love's him to death, he is everything to her. Unfortunatley, he still feels like he's drifting along, out of place. He knows she's beautiful but he doesn't love her like she loves him. He still feels detached, like he should love her but he says it like he means it - he's just an animal looking for a home and happens to share the same space (not home yet) for a minute or two with her.
 "Eyes that light up, eyes look through you" -- Her eyes light up when she sees him, but his look through her :(
 "Cover up the blank spots hit me on the head" -- He wants to love her and feel at home so badly that he just covers up his doubt. He wishes he could just be knocked out and be head over heels in love. 

This song is so awesome and beautiful - my favorite by the Talking Heads. This explanation just came to me on a 4 hour walk I was on listening to this song for part of it. It's so beautifully written and the music flows and fits so well - it's beautiful with a hint of sadness.

This is exactly what I thought the song meant too. As I was reading all the previous comments I thought about how idealistic people were being about this song, or should I say naive... I mean people even played this at their weddings, which made me cringe for them. It reminded me of when an ex-boyfriend had played the song "You Can't Always Get What you Want" by the Rolling Stones to me as a profession of love. Oye vey.

Very nice analysis. I think often we look too far into the meaning of each line or phrase of songs. While I think you're spot on with some of the lines, I think there are a number of "throw-in" lines that are just thoughts David had. The song, in general, is a love song. He said it himself that it's the only love song he has ever written. That is really all we need to know. He is writing about love and it's beautiful.

@pezdel This is a great interpretation, I was thinking of using this at my wedding but after reading your analysis and not disagreeing with anything you said made me realise how naive I was. Yeah probably not the best song for a first dance!

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