Lyric discussion by leafvert 

What does 42 mean? from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?

its cos the album is approx 42 minutes long there were 42 songs discarded from the X&Y sessions and cos of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.

The guy in this song is trying to figure out the question of life. "Time is so short and I'm sure There must be something more". Or something similar to it. 42 is the best answer anyone can come up with, but almost everyone is sure that there must be something more.

@leafvert In Japanese culture, 42 is an unlucky number, because the words for 4 and 2 when pronounced together sound like the Japanese word for death. That is also what the Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy was, I believe.

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