Lyric discussion by listen38 

So while I can understand where most of the thoughts on intimacy are coming from, I wonder the following:

The lyrics "singing without knowing the words" stick out to me... while all the time, the wolves are getting closer, he is getting further and further from the one he is dancing with.

What if he was going along with the relationship (dancing) without really knowing what he was doing (singing without knowing the words), and reality (the wolves?) continued getting closer and closer until realization came that he was not in the right place (woke up in the morning and they had arrived). He was obviously showing or voicing signs (howling- the wolves heard him) whether or not he knew it.

Perhaps this is of a relationship that is complacent and continuing but sooner or later, (perhaps in this instance, before an engagement or marriage- the hands being naked, that is?) reality hits (wolves advancing) and the 'dance' is over.

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