Lyric discussion by drmn 

well, as much as it makes sense, I don't think it really goes that way (drug abuse). it's just I prefer to see this song in a much more naive, pure way, but that might just be because of how it feels to me. yes, nostalgic. intense. tragic.

i think this song is a love song and tell how difficult it can be. "In spite of the comforting sounds that you make" means i think that despite what she says she does not act the same and it hurts him, that's why "he does not feel alright". When he refers to solitude, purity as to be rid of badness is only reached through solitude, being on his own, as he is a good person. "all good kids are messing up" i think refers to that she does not mean to hurt him, she is not a nasty person...

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