Lyric discussion by yate81 

This song is about drug addiction. I am not one to accuse anyone of drug use. Apparently from what I read, the lead singer had a heroin addiction issue. As an artist with an addiction issue, he is trying to point out how hard it would be to walk in his shoes and yet he didn't stumble in the end. I understand completely. You can't comment on this song unless you have been there. It is not to comment that others are unintelligent. This is a song where in order for someone to really understand the message they had to have experienced being judged by drug addiction. I have been judged for the past 10 years for my addiction issues. It is only coming out now that prescriptions weren't working for me that allowed me to function and I was self-medicating after a certain point to live with peace of mind. I have been slowly doing less drugs. I got so far in my life and career yet I am fried by prescriptions and yet people still judge me to the highest degree. I have extremely hard shoes to walk in. Try getting as far as I did high and fried. As commented by my boss, it is extremely difficult for a person to hide being as fried as I am and still succeed. Mind you I am 26 years old. Take that into consideration also.

[Edit: QKQN]

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