Lyric discussion by wellwhiskey 

kmacloud62 is right. It's about Stalin... how can everyone else not see? "He grew a blood red vision for all their good intentions" - obviously about communism's orginal good intentions. He once said "one death is a tragedy, a million is a statisic." He sent millions and millions of his own people to death during WWII. Despite this, is he was hero worshiped up until his death. They had to start de-stalinisation when he died to de-brainwash people.

the russians were the RED fucking army, WW2 casualties for the soviets were from about nine to ten million,Stalin killed an "easy million" jews around WW2 as a secret part of the german treaty,he changed his name to Joseph "if it made any difference" joseph means man of steal in russian,(it helped the power images affect) affirmative action for the useful reUnion of Soviet Socialist Republic maybe? the lasting confession could be referring to his questionable death... its about Joseph Stalin... Kill yourselves...

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