Lyric discussion by allstar2003 

this song is hauntingly beautiful

definitely a song about the end of the world and the inevitability of death. its about acceptance of their fate and celebrating life with the people you love, really amazing

@allstar2003 It does seem to bring up the inevitability of death as all their songs do. But it is mostly about THE IDEA THAT LIFE GOES ON, EVEN AS WE FACE A CATASTROPHY THAT MAY OR MAY NOT ALTER OR EVEN END OUR WORLD. THAT EVEN AS WE ARE ON THE DOWNSLIDE OTHERS ARE STILL CLIMBING THE HILL OR PUSHING OUR BURDENS UP THAT HILL. And perhaps also the realization that regardless of whether the World is ending or not. Most of us can't do very much about it so we might as well enjoy ourselves while we watch...

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