Lyric discussion by Koncorde 

The chorus could well be referring to "inheritence", a "sins of the father" style thing.

If you take this as the kind words of a mother to her son then you essentially have her talking of how they "we like to watch you laughing" (mother+father)shared in the baby's young curiosity, and a layer of reticence about what was to come subsequently "no time to think of consequences" relating to their relationship/behaviour towards each other.

If you discount the chorus at first and lead straight into the second verse you have an undeniable sentiment that there have been bad decisions made, many without thinking. The memories of when the child was sparkling and new (warm water) are now sharpened to a shiver by what is know known and experienced. "I though this wouldn't hurt" could perhaps refer to bringing the child into the world.

This then angles the whole chorus as a slight on the father. Control yourself, take only from your father what you need (i.e. the strength, love, role model, father figure etc) leaving behind the failures and foibles. The "family of trees" is a play on words from "Family tree", probably probing at the idea that if you repeat the mistakes of the your own father - he'll haunt "your" tree too. A forlorn warning about how there are two sides to everything "warm" "a baby is born" can end up difficult "shiver" "crying out for attention".

I agree completely. Only I allege the meaning goes much deeper than just experiences with family. I think "take only what you need from it" refers to taking only what you need from every experience in life. It's about letting go of things, instead of being "haunted" like other people allow themselves to be. At least, that's my interpretation. I believe everyone's opinions about these things are generally colored by what they're experiencing at the time they listen. For me, favorite songs I've listened to for years will reveal different meanings to the words, the more I hear it....

i think you are right =)

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