Lyric discussion by bwalshy 

It a person who's life appears great his friends, and everone he meets. Everyone think he has it good, but hes falling apart inside and noone notices. He's tried to tell people, but all he gets as advice in return is "I'm told it's everything a man could want And I shouldn't complain"

The first words in the song is "Lets Double TRACK that."

Hard to pick out, he's talking about a recording process were you play the song over again and add differnt sounds with the recording, such as a second guitar. Benson already plays a second guitar though, so i don't know. I just love no lyrical banter at the beginning and the end of the song

I really liked your interpretation, and though this is similar to the actual intention for the 2nd meaning of this song, it was actually written about how jack wanted to be a vampire as a child, and changed his mind when he got older... if you'd like to know the details, i have added them in a comment on the bottom of this page, also

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