Lyric discussion by spinalgrail 

robert: why not stop bitching from your parents' basement and go do something about what bothers you? You sound like the same little whining punks who go to schools like Cal-Berkley... you know the ones, the 'hippies' that still mooch off rich mom and dad.

As much as you complain about 'corrupt corporations' do you not see your own ignorance in the fact that you rely on those corporations just as much as anyone else?

Before you respond, look at the room around you and see the proof.

Unless you drink pond water, grow your own food, and have built your own computer with parts not manufactured by anyone else but yourself so you can make posts on this site... then shut up.

Oh, and who knows what that money is going to that Saul receives from Nike (if any... the song may have been turned over to Nike by his label w/o his control).

He could if he so chooses use that money to benefit a nation of people or the poverty stricken within this country. Until you actually speak to the man, then you have no idea what the story or his motives are behind his actions.

Oh... and back to the point of the forum... good song with an excellent beat. The first verse speaks of social change or something similar, while the second verse changes to being about a girl... although it could just be metaphorical. Anyway like the song.

@spinalgrail Yes, because we must all think in black & white terms and if we use products to survive at all we should never demand change from those companies, right? Oh, and we need to government to keep order, so fascism is likewise acceptable, eh? With all due respect, fuck that. We can rely on these institutions while at the same time demanding that they do better. In fact, I say it's our duty as Americans (or whatever country you belong to) to do precisely that. Things don't get better unless we, the people, demand change. Because the corporations sure...

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