Lyric discussion by supposablethumbs 

I like carlwinslow's interpretation. I like Carl Winslow too. Family does matter. The great thing about a lot of Pavement songs is that they are so perverse, hammy and never hit you straight on.

I think "Stereo" is a political statement about modern America and capitalism. In a nutshell, some people get paid, some people get played and some people get both.

The chorus means something by meaning nothing. Basically, the trend is for the music industry to market any idiot they think they can market regardless if he or she is really saying anything. I think, in a perverse way, Malkmus longs for the days when people actually wrote songs with some depth and meaning. Irony, that crucial ingredient to all things Pavement, turns up because here's Malkmus lamenting the fact that nobody writes songs with meanings anymore and he makes his point by writing a song which artificially appears as if it has no meaning.

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