Lyric discussion by rockographer 

This is my take on the song.

1st Verse

Paranoia. Quote Dewey Bunnell (wrote, sang, played guitar for AMERICA) "We were exposed to more and more sophisticated people, and there were times I found myself saying things I wish I hadn't."

Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man that he didn't already have.

Wizard of Oz referenced. Oz never did give the Tin Man anything in the end of the story. The Tin Man already had a heart, he just didn't have faith in it.

Cause never was the reason for the evening or The Tropic of Sir Gallahad - Just because wasn't the reason for the get-together, neither was being chivalrous, being a gentleman.

Spinning round, round - kaleidoscopic imagery

All put together could mean - You may find yourself in a gathering of upper class people. Not sure why you went , you just did. As you talk to sophisticated people, you may feel your mind spinning (round, round, round). Believe in yourself. Just like the Tin Man in the Wizard Of Oz, you may find that there is something inside you that you don't know exhists but it is already there. You just have to believe in yourself, or as the song begs "Believe in me." Like saying "I'm not a dork, I'm just intimidated. Give me some time to get used to this situation I'm in, cause right now my mind is spinning stupid thoughts. There is a reason I was invited but I have no faith in myself right now. I'm working it out in my head and will get back to you once these thoughts have cleared."

I love your "all put together" thought makes sense to me!!!

This meaning makes sense to me and reminds me slightly of The Great Gatsby's beginning.

@rockographer interesting... i relate to this scenario very much as i am a musician that aspired towards the stars and found myself stumbling into "ideal" situations from time to time and felt that i had blown it because i was suddenly beside myself because being in the casual midst of celebrities and "sophistication which the two most definitely run together can really bring contrast to how we really are and how we try to be when were wanting to fit in and there does exist a code of behavior and i ultimately found it uncomfortable and trying too hard to...

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